Sunday, February 25, 2007

But will I write in it?

A few weeks ago, I had heard about a challenge that Ali Edwards had: To identify a single word that sums up what you want for yourself in 2007. I loved the idea, I was enamored...But I wanted the right word... for the right reason. So I thought about my life, what I wanted, where it was going, and even spent some time letting myself get maudlin over certain issues that have cropped up. Everything led me back to one word, my alltime favorite word really...Serendipity...I love the sound of it, the hopefulness it conveys, the feeling that something wonderful is just around the corner, waiting for me to discover it. So I had it, my word. On to part 2 of the challenge: create something using the word. Oh, I knew exactly what I wanted to make: a journal! What a wonderful way to celebrate my word and incorpporate its meaning into my life. So I made a simple journal; a place to explore my thoughts and embrace a serendipitous life :)


JewelsC said...

I LOVE what you have done Elisabeth!! This is awesome!! How did you do the letters??

Elisabeth said...

It's the Printing Press font from Cricut..pretty neat, isn't it!

JewelsC said...

WoW!! That is so COOL!!!!