And here I am wide awake. The house is as quite as a ghost town, except for the clicking of my keyboard and the howling wind outside. I should be in bed...tomorrow's going to be a busy day, but there's just to many thoughts running through my overactive brain right now. I tried to scrap a bit, but couldn't focus for long, so I thought I'd try to blog it out of my system. So here's the situation... I have a task ahead of me...something I've been putting off for years. Fear, certainty of failure and downright stupidity have stopped me from doing it in the past, but I think I'm ready...and as I sit here at 2 in the morning, reviewing my day, I'm pretty sure I'll succeed. Still scared, a bit shaky, but on the road. So if you've got a second to think of me and send me some positive vibes, I promise to put them to good use!
Goodnight everyone!
Oh my...sounds like a really big day!! Hope it went well!! And hopefully you were able to get some sleep the next night! ;) I know it's a little late but I'm still going to send you lots of positive vibes!! :) {hugs!!}
Sending those vibes Elisabeth - whatever it is you have the right mind-set! Good luck. :)
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