Friday, March 20, 2009

3 Monthaversary!!

Go me...3 full months and still not smoking! Although I must admit, today I was seriously tempted, having just had one of the crappiest days I have had in years...maybe even decades. But somehow I convinced myself it would be a really bad idea, so I didn't, and that made the day a bit brighter at least...Deep cleansing breathe....Tomorrow is another day....said in my best Scarlett impersonation, which isn't very good at all, LOL


Dee said...

congratulations! You CAN do it! I haven't smoked for a year and a half and there are still times when I want to - Keep telling yourself that whatever happens, smoking a cigarette is not going to change it.

Veronica said...

This is soemthing to totally be proud of. I know I quite 10 years ago and to tell you the truth I do not miss it one bit. The smell is just nasty. You can totally go without. Congrats!

pineconegirl said...

Hey there girlfriend - I'm thinking about you! I am so proud of you - you are making fantastic milestones. Congratulations! You can do it today, you can do it tomorrow, you can do it forever.

Donna said...

After Friday if you didn't smoke, you are doing FABULOUS! Congrats on the 3 monthaversary! (Love that word!)

leah said...

Thinking about you lots. Glad you were able to keep it up through everything!

Michelle said...

Congrats, Elisabeth!!! Keep it up one day at a time...we're here for you!

Jess said...

GO YOU!!! That is so wonderful Elisabeth, I hope you feel great too. :D

Peeps said...

I had no idea you smoked.
Big contrats! Three months is a great start.

Laura-Lee said...

Good for you!!!! You wouldn't like it anyway. Keep up the good work!!!

beckyjune said...

Good for you, Elisabeth. It must give you a sense of accomplishment to have overcome something so difficult.

Cheryl said...

Congratulations Elisabeth. This takes incredible strength and will power. You can do it!!!