1. I recently moved the links and stuff to the left, to the left. It is aggravating me to no end...I shall move it back.
2. Please note that I am linked up to Twitter. If you tweet on twitter, I would love it if you would click "follow me on twitter" and I in turn will follow you. For some reason I am getting an immense amount of joy whenever anyone chooses to follow my tweets :)
3. I am becoming obsessed with the counter at the bottom of my blog. (scroll down, it's at the bottom on the left...soon to be on the right.) Right now it says 247. It started out at 264. I know because I check it...daily. Sad, I know, but it's one of those OCD kinda things...thinking about having a big blog party when it breaks 200...you are all invited.
4. Michal got a brush cut.
Bwaha! You crack me up... seriously understand the blog thing, but I'm not down with Twitter, yet. I'm too afraid of that and Facebook becoming big time suckers for me... lol.
Your funny!! I need a twitter lesson.
Ha! I hear you on Twitter and the counter obsession! :)
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